Cover Crops
Phacelia offers fast early development for a quick competitive canopy. It spreads very quickly across the ground and restricts the growth of weeds. Its vibrant flowers attract beneficial insects and it works well as a cool-season soil builder. Its extensive root systems can reach a depth of 30 inches, which is great for breaking up clay soil. Phacelia also scavenges for nitrogen in the soil. It will make a good winter-killed cover crop to prepare the ground for an early spring planting.
Phacelia is comparable to buckwheat, but is more tolerant of cold and drought. It is well adapted to most soils. It flowers six to eight weeks after planting if it still has at least 13 hours of sunlight.
Seeding rate is 8-12 lbs./Acre at a depth of 1/4 inch. Seed when the soil is at least 60ºF degrees.

Rating scale: Poor I Fair I Good I Very Good I Excellent
- Phacelia develops quickly as a good cool-season soil builder.
- Its deep fibrous root system captures nutrients well and improves tilth.
- It will winter-kill but can tolerate light frosts.