Cover Crops
Byron Summer Mixes
Diversity That Works
Through intensive research trials, Byron Seeds seeks to develop intelligent cover crop mixes
that produce healthy plants of every species in the mix. In our test plots, Bio-D 16-way mix had
15 out of 16 species actively growing compared to a computer-generated mix that had only 7 out of 17 species actively growing, 4 of which were brassicas.
The varying root systems, plant structure and top growth of Byron Cover Crop mixes thrive
together in a powerful symbiotic relationship to build soil health.
- Highly diverse mix with an intelligent design that allows all the species to actively express themselves.
- Utilize upper, middle, and lower canopy to maximize sunlight capture for warm-season
nutrient cycling. - Works for grazing or forage but yields less dry matter than a more focused mix.
- Included Species: Millet, Braco Mustard, Abyssinian Cabbage, Cowpeas, Sunn Hemp,
Forage Sorghum, Flaxseed, Spring Pea, Black Oat, Sunflower, Phacelia, Berseem
Clover, Persian Clover, Lifago Buckwheat, T-raptor Rape, Nitro Radish. - Seeding Rate: 20-45 lbs./A. Plant from late May to early August.
- Bio-D, 16-way mix Tech Sheet
- A warm-season mix designed for nitrogen production and recycling with grazing
potential. - Good mix to follow small grain harvest; corn can perform well following this mix.
This mix will winter-kill. - Included Species: Cowpeas, Spring Peas, Lifago Buckwheat, Millet, Sunn Hemp, Nitro
Radish, Sunflower, Abyssinian Cabbage. - Seeding Rate: 15-30 lbs./A. Plant from late May to late August.
- N-Cite Tech Sheet
- A fast-establishing mix designed for weed control with summer grazing potential (if grazed, the sorghum-sudan will be the only species to re-grow).
- Sorghum-sudan and buckwheat are powerful mycorrhizae builders while Sunn hemp and cowpeas add some nitrogen fixing.
- Our dual-purpose summer cover crop mix for high dry matter yields and forage quality.
- Included Species: Sunn Hemp, Sorghum-sudan, Cowpeas, Lifago Buckwheat.
- Seeding Rate: 20-35 lbs./A. Plant from late May to late August.
- Summer Lightening Mix Tech Sheet