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White Clover

White or ladino clover is a long-lived perennial that spreads by creeping above ground stems or stolons that root at the nodes.  It is a large leaf clover, very high in protein, vitamins, and minerals.  Addition of white clover to pastures will increase daily dry matter intake in livestock. Ladino clover is a good producer of high quality feed and is utilized extensively as a soil building crop. It is an excellent legume to use in combination with other legumes and grasses. Ladino also produces large amounts of nitrogen, which in turn feeds the grass sward within the pasture.

Ladino is primarily a pasture-type clover. Ladino clover planted with perennial grasses should be grazed or mowed frequently (2 or 3 times per summer) with the final mowing in late August. Fertilizer should be applied throughout the year. To manage the bloat risk associated with ladino clovers, manage your pasture swards with no more than a 10% stand of clover. Do not over-graze the grasses below 4 inches for this increases the clover concentration.

White clover will thrive on soils with a pH of 5.5 or higher. Both white and ladino clover need adequate phosphorus and potassium for establishment, persistence and growth. White clover is especially responsive to cool, moist conditions. It grows best between 50°F and 85°F. Because of its shallow root system, it is not adapted to shallow, droughty soils. Ladinos can be broadcasted, frost-seeded, or drilled into soil. Seed depth should not exceed 0.25 inch.

  • Because of its very stoloniferous and winter hardy traits, this variety is very persistent in addition to being a high yielder.
  • This late maturing white clover has very large leaves for high yields.
  • The many stolons of this variety bring persistence even in heavy grazing situations.
  • Kakariki Tech Sheet
  • This is a ladino, large leafed clover.
  • It is rated as having the highest palatability of any white clover and has great recovery because it has been specially bred with Overgraze Protection.
  • This white clover is a very persistent variety with large leaves.
  • Klondike has good resistance to nematodes and clover rot.