Cool-Season Grasses
Annual Ryegrass
Annual ryegrass is one of the best choices for a fall-planted cover crop because of its versatility, ease of establishment, amazing root system, and incredible nutrient-scavenging abilities. It is an excellent soil builder, great at erosion control and weed suppression. The massive root system can add 5,000-9,000 lbs. of organic material per acre, growing down to 54 inches, providing channels for air, water, and following crop root systems. Farmers have reported corn root zones down to nearly 5 feet following ryegrass.
Annual ryegrass has extremely fast emergence and establishes quickly on a variety of soil types. It works well alone or in mixes. In severe winter conditions, annual ryegrass can winter-kill, but roots have usually grown down 24-32 inches, sequestering leftover nutrients and providing a good start for the following crop.
Incorporation will work to kill ryegrass if it is completely covered. If spraying, apply a full rate when the days are warm, averaging over 50°F, and the grass is growing vigorously.
Drill at 15-20 lbs./A or fly on at 20-25 lbs./A, 0.25 to 0.50 inch deep, or fly into standing corn at the higher rate. You can also broadcast onto bare soil and roll with a cultipacker. Seed 40 days before killing frost date to help protect from winter-kill. Annual ryegrass rates in mixes can be cut to 8-15 lbs.

Rating Scale: Poor I Fair I Good I Very Good I Excellent
- This vigorous annual ryegrass establishes rapidly and has good cold tolerance.
- It gives superior yields with excellent palatability.
- Flex is a very late-maturing annual ryegrass, giving a flexible harvest window while holding steady on quality.
- Flex establishes very quickly and is very winter-hardy.
- Flex (Koga) Tech Sheet
- KB Crown was developed for superior root mass and good fall growth.
- It can be aerial seeded, establishes quickly, and is deep rooting.
- KB Crown Annual Ryegrass Tech Sheet
- This winter-hardy annual ryegrass is selected for very tough growing conditions.
- More forage per acre make this an economical choice for growers.