Cool-Season Grasses
Orchard Grass
Orchardgrass is a perennial, cool-season bunch grass best suited for fertile, light to medium soils with good drainage. It can persist on moderately poor drained soils. Orchardgrass has good winter hardiness, tolerance to shade and moderate tolerance to drought. It is an excellent choice for pasture, hay, greenchop or silage and is well adapted to grow with legumes such as clover and alfalfa. There is typically a 10 to 20 day spread in heading date between early and late-maturing varieties. Use a later-heading variety as a companion to alfalfa.
Orchardgrass is very responsive to fertilizer and aftermath production can be excellent with proper fertility and split N applications. For optimum first harvest yield and quality, orchardgrass should be harvested in early-mid boot stage at a cutting height of 3 to 4 inches so it can recover quickly and persistence can be maintained.
For grazing, excellent grazing management is required to maintain persistence and productivity. Graze to 3 to 4 inches and rest 28 days between rotations. Orchardgrass does not persist well under continuous grazing. It is not a good candidate to pair with perennial ryegrass since their management protocols are so different.
Orchardgrass can be planted either in early spring or late summer depending on the area of the country being grown. Seeding depth is generally 1/4 to 1/2 inch in a firm seedbed. Rolling or using a cultipacker after seeding ensures even germination and emergence.

Rating Scale: Poor I Fair I Good I Very Good I Excellent
- As its name says, Endurance was selected for its durability, especially in the South.
- Works well in grazing and hay situations.
- This newest addition has good persistence with the highest yield in our lineup.
- Its our best fall performer with outstanding yield and forage quality.
- Husar is a mid-late variety with excellent yield especially in the first cut.
- Husar realizes good results in rust resistance and standability.
- Niva is a proven performer with good persistence and winter hardiness.
- This blend has been created for endurance and performance in the South.
- Works well for grazing or hay with exceptional yield and digestibility.
- This blend has been created for endurance and performance in the North.
- Works well for grazing or hay with exceptional yield and digestibility.
Sundown is excellent for grazing or hay; aggressive tillering.
Sundown is excellent quality, showing an NDFD of 82 in some trials.
- Sundown Tech Sheet
- This early-maturing orchardgrass produces massive amounts of forage before summer heat slows growth.
- Very rapid regrowth – quick recovery allows more frequent harvesting.