Cover Crops
Speedy Cover
Speedy Cover is a mixture of oats and radish. True to its name, Speedy Cover is extremely quick to establish and also quick and easy to plant and manage. Since this mix will typically winterkill, no
spring spraying or tillage is normally needed. All you have to do is plant into the beautiful killed mulch that this mix leaves behind.
Plant into existing crops at the beginning of leaf wilt. The harvest of soybeans should not be impacted unless harvest is delayed and too much growth of the cover crop has occurred by then. Brassicas and oats will winterkill when temperatures dip into the low 20s. Avoid planting in waterlogged areas.
Seed at 80-100 lbs. per acre. For best results drill ¼ to ½ inch deep or broadcast into a tilled seedbed and cultipack. Aerial applications have been very successful when corn has dried as high as the ear or soybean leaves start to drop. It can be no-tilled into a grass/alfalfa sod that has been killed or mowed very close. Herbicides can also be used to suppress the sod.

Rating scale: Poor I Fair I Good I Very Good I Excellent
- This mix of oats and radish is very quick to establish and will normally winter-kill.
- It is a good choice for a first time cover cropper.
- Oats 92%
- Nitro Radish 8%