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Mustard establishes very rapidly, helping to suppress weeds and act as a ground cover. The taproot grows to a depth of 3 feet, helping break up soil and scavenge nutrients. Mustard works great  as a biofumigant and suppresses verticillium in potato.

Mustard is a cover crop that can be planted in early spring or  early fall in the South if you want it to overwinter. Mustard kills  at about 25°F. Mixes well with triticale, rye, and hairy vetch. It  works extremely well as a nematode suppressor and as a natural biofumigant. Use in rotation with wheat, bean, and potato.

Drill ½ inch deep at 8-10 lbs./A or 3-5 lbs./A in mixes. Can be broadcast at the higher rate and rolled. Incorporate or kill after  flowering for best biofumigant effect.

Rating scale:  Poor  I  Fair  I  Good  I  Very Good  I  Excellent

  • This mustard suppresses nematodes and weed seed germination; it’s a great nitrogen scavenger.
  • It usually winter-kills except in the South and can be frost-seeded.