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Yield Max: A Summer Mix to Maximize Your Growing Days

If you’re looking for ways to increase your dairy farm’s productivity and decrease ration costs, the easiest way to accomplish this is to plant annuals with high amounts of digestible fiber. Annuals can yield more than perennials and can help crop rations be more aggressive.  Cool-season annuals like forage oats, annual ryegrass and brassicas will grow well into the fall and help shorten the winter. By planting warm- and cool-season annuals in sequence, you’ll maximize every day you have.

Instead of summer-seeding a new alfalfa crop, consider an annual cocktail mix. Yield Max is a combination of BMR sorghum-sudan, Italian ryegrass, two clovers and late hairy vetch. The pairing of warm- and cool-season annuals lowers the risk that could come with a cool/wet or a hot/dry summer. And there’s another bang for the buck: The ryegrass and clover stretch the growing season into the fall and act as a cover crop for the winter.

Yield Max works great for very high-quality baleage, haylage or grazing and, in most areas, should be able to be harvested three times. Plant Yield Max in soils that are 60ºF degrees; and it does best in areas north of I-80.

  • Yield Max is an annual cocktail mix that is summer seeded.
  • Yield Max pairs warm- and cool-season annuals to maximize every day of summer and fall.

Consists of a special mix of:

  • BMR Sorghum-Sudan 60%
  • Italian Ryegrass 25%
  • Medium Red Clover 5%
  • Berseem Clover 5%
  • Hairy Vetch 5%

Yield Max Tech Sheet

  • This mix brings a rapid canopy, massive tonnage, and excellent rooting to build soil.
  • It’s designed for high volumes of digestible fiber with a wide harvest window in mind.
  • ForageMAXd Tech Sheet

Consists of a special mix of: BMR Photoperiod-sensitive Sorghum-Sudan 60%; BMR Forage Sorghum 40%

  • Summer Pro is a mix developed for the South.
  • This mix increases crop density, creates a stronger sward, reduces risk, and regrows quickly.

Consists of a special mix of: BMR Sorghum-Sudan 60%; BMR Millet 40%

KF Summer Pro Tech Sheet


  • Amazing quality—highly digestible feed.
  • Great replacement for perennial alfalfa/grass mixes in intensive rotations.
  • Higher protein and more nitrogen credits than straight Italian ryegrass
  • Species included: Italian ryegrass, medium red clover, berseem clover, hairy vetch.
  • Dairy Max Annual Cocktail Mix Tech Sheet